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Beyond the Books: Tips on Navigating University Life

Source: I am a recent University of Manitoba Class of 2024 graduate!

It is no secret that the transition from high school to university is not an easy one. It can be daunting, challenging, and overwhelming. At the same time, it can be exciting and invigorating. This transition marks the beginning of new opportunities, endless possibilities, independence, and significant personal growth. Everyone may have different experiences with the transition, and every experience is relevant!

As I wrap up my time in university after half a decade as a UM student, I have taken the time to reflect on the lessons I learned navigating the post-secondary world. There have been many instances where I have thought “I wish I knew this earlier on in my university journey…”. Well, now, it is my pleasure to share some of my insights with you!

Here are my top tips on navigating post-secondary life and striving for balance:

Do not be afraid to take chances and put yourself out there!

Take time to explore all campus has to offer - from student support units, student groups, study areas, libraries, workshops, social events, outdoor space, etc. I have heard such lovely things from peers who decided to join a student group early on and wish I would have considered doing the same! It is a great chance to make friends and surround yourself with people who have common interests as you.

Be courageous and do not be afraid to ask questions – you never know what opportunities will come from it, and what connections you might build!

Creating and building a network of connections will provide countless benefits in the present and in the future. Seek out and attend networking events or any other mingling opportunities on campus, talk to your professors, talk to staff members and learn about services, and check out the Work Study Program and other UM Employment opportunities.

Practice self-compassion.

Be kind to yourself! This is a new environment and lifestyle that you are navigating for the first time. You cannot expect yourself to be perfect or be flawless. Give yourself the same grace, compassion, and kindness you would to a friend or family member.

Take time for self-care. 

I know, I know, it is not the first time you hear that, but I promise it is SUPER important! As a student, it is easy to feel consumed by schoolwork, and that taking time to yourself almost feels selfish… But trust me, it is not! It is so important to make time in your schedule to practice any self-care activity that you enjoy – whether that is going for a walk, listening to your favorite music, spending time with family or friends, or cooking a nourishing meal.

Do not be afraid to reach out for help.

I have utilized supports on campus such as the Academic Learning Centre to meet with writing tutors and content tutors (it is free!), I have met with Academic Advisors to discuss my academic journey and seek advice, I have met with a Career Consultant to discuss future careers and what degree path to pursue, and I have utilized services from the Student Counselling Centre. These supports have all helped me tremendously through my journey and there is nothing wrong with seeking some support. Creating a well-rounded support system is always beneficial!

If you are feeling overwhelmed or uncertain and would like some support with the transition into university or a new academic year, and/or if you would like to chat and get some support with on and off campus resource navigation, please consider visiting the Student Wellness Centre! It is a great resource and space that I wish existed when I first started in university – but now that it is here for you, consider taking advantage and getting connected! You got this!



About the Author

Kayla (She/Her)

Hi! My name is Kayla, and I am the Health and Wellness Program Assistant. I am currently in my final year of the Bachelor of Social Work Program. I am passionate about promoting self-care and mental health awareness, as well as supporting and learning about students diverse experiences while navigating through university. Outside of work and school, I enjoy exercising, reading, camping, and spending time with my friends and family.


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