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Physical Health Packages

It can be tough to find the right information about a health question. Read about some common health topics in our e-health packages!



Feel free to download any of the PDFs. Alternatively if viewing the health packages on screen is not accessible for you, please e-mail us or phone us at 204 474 6740 and we can provide a printed copy.

Make time for sleep

Ages 18-64 are recommended to get 7-9 hours of sleep/night

Sleep impacts all aspects of life. Insufficient sleep is related to chronic stress, poor mental health and more sedentary time. For students, less sleep can negatively impact grades and focusing.


Here are some ways to improve your sleep:

  • avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol before bed

  • have a consistent sleep schedule

  • practice relaxation and mindfulness techniques

  • exercise regularly (at least 3 hours before sleeping)

Adapted from

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